Monday, December 7, 2009


Be strong. Be a man. Why are you crying? Don't cry, don't let me catch you crying. It's what we're told while growing up. Cut the grass, take out the trash, wash the car. These manly chores are somewhat of an attempt the grow us into this manly man we're supposed to be. Football, basketball, baseball. These sports are supposed to teach us how to be tough, how to find trust in other men, in being strong. This is how you impress women, cologne, hair jel, nice clothes. We're supposed to look nice not too nice to where you come off as gay. That's supposedly a bad thing. Don't be a pussy, you're supposed to hook up with the women. Get her phone number. Call her. The more phone numbers you get and the more women you hook up with, the cooler and manlier you are. Here's the condom you're supposed to use. Now go learn to change the oil, change a tire on the car. Know your way under the hood of the car. Know these things, impress these women so you can have these women. All through school, middle school, high school, and even college, we're pressured into becoming this image. A strong image, image is everything, it will get you women. Don't be gay, that's for sissies, you'll be bullied all your life if you're a sissy, you don't want that. It's silly how our society guides us in this direction. Go excersice, stay in shape, be able to do at least over 25 push-ups. Build that chest, that 6-pack. Don't ever get your ass kicked. And if that does happen, don't let her or anyone else see it. And if you do get your ass kicked and you do walk away with a couple bruises and a black eye, just lie. Lie about it and make it seem that it'd be impossible to win whatever fight you were in. Be a tough guy. No women, no person likes a weak guy. You'll get nowhere in life. Work those triceps, abs, chest, biceps, calves. The guys on television have it, women want them, you want women to want you. Join a frat, it makes you look cool. Be able to consume an absurd amount of alcohol in a very short amount of time. It makes you look cool. It's all image. American boys go through this all over the country. Be tough. Do not look weak. Ever. Don't be weak, nobody likes anyone weak, but more importantly, no women likes anyone week. It's insane the pressure we go through. Our peers push us even more. You don't want to look stupid in front of them, you'll lose this so-called friends. You want as many friends as possible, it makes you look cool. It'll make you look cool in front of the women. Women love popular men. When are we going to stop and think about what these women actually like in men? Do all women even really care about how strong you are? If you're able to change the oil in a car, if you're able to bench press a stupid amount of weight, if you have many friends, if you know everything about football? Does all of this shit really matter? How far will this get me in life, will it take me to where I want to be in life? I think not.

"I'm not trying to create a first impression I can't live up to."
-Sage Francis.

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