Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Night Before

I sit atop the roof underneath the purple sky

I sit with the wind blowing in my face as i’m watching the pretty sun rise

As i’m chilling, a warm memory slips through my mind

It’s the one where you and me were just chilling and trying to find

a reasonable and convincing reason why all of this exists

The relationship between us and this crazy world of kids

This world of twists, world of rebels, jerks, and pacifists

Magic tricks, world of doughnuts, atheists, and tragic lists

I sigh a sigh of relief because i remembered that you’re still here

And after a sleepless night I still find myself here

Chilling, enjoying the morning and it’s beautiful sounds

But i have to jump off the roof into the pool because it’s the only way to get down

I silently creep into your bedroom and you’re still sleeping

I have a wonderful treat for you and today’s evening

But that’s if we survive another long and stressful day

because i’m still trying to recover from yesterday

I tip-toe out to start the coffee

and I slip slow trying to get the tired off me

I take a glass of water and a shot of listerene

and i brush off my shirt, ok, now, i’m clean

I relax, i look for my keys

I speed fast as i’m looking through my jeans

I find them, im out, i blow a kiss goodbye

And it’s off into the world i’ll see you later back tonight

I’ll see you later, alright? Because I have some things i need to do

But as soon as i’m done i’ll do my best to call you

But for now, i’m high off ambition and expectations

It’s now or never so I better learn to have some patience.


  1. I like this because its a simple daily experience yet you explain it from your unique perspective and its really quite nice. :)

  2. oh cool, thanks alot for the kind words
