Wednesday, March 10, 2010

March 10th, 2010

I wrote a new song today. The idea came to me as i was sitting in a recording studio while my dad was recording vocals. I thought of the first line and then starting writing away the lyrics into my phone. I got home and copied them to the computer and contiuned writing. Thoughts were coming to me like a flood. It was great. I had the same flood of ideas last night, but after I re-read what I wrote last night, i decided that it wasn't really good. Not even good enough to get ideas for what I wrote today. It's been a while since i've written something i've actually liked.

The idea was to get 4-6 songs together to record an EP in the summer. I'm at 7 now. I'm going to name the release Vas Y Viens. It means Come and Go in french. It seemed to me that the songs I have are based around the idea of life/death and being somewhat of a drifeter. As I was writing the last few lines in the last verse I realized that I had just written the title track. It was completely unintentional. I wanted to use every song I've written after the intial 6 for a split i wanna make with the Humdrums, but after realizing what I have written, I'd be a fool for not adding it to this project.

I hope all goes well with this. I've been battling myself trying to decide if I should do it or not. Half of me feels that it'll be a waste of time and money to make a solo release. I can't sing. Who will actually listen to this? Who will see me when I play shows? But i figured, fuck it, and i'm gonna keep thinking 'fuck it' until it comes time to record. Because once I start, I won't go back.

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