Monday, June 21, 2010

Tallahassee, FL

I am back in town. We played here last night and it was easily the best show all weekend. The show in Gainesville wasn't horrible though. Saw a friend I hadn't seen in a while, actually, the girl that introduced me to my current girlfriend. For some reason I thought we sounded really off but no one else agreed to that. Maybe it's because I was drunk. Someone stole our beer. We went to 1982 afterwards and continued drinking.
We woke up the next morning, had breakfast, and drove on to Tallahassee. We had Saturday night off, so I spent it hanging out with a bunch of friends. I saw my friends' band Friends of Friends play at Jake's Tavern which was great. It was my first time seeing them, but I'll see them again at Jennfest.
Woke up Sunday morning and went to work. It was slow. Got home, went to my girlfriend's house, which she just moved into, then went over to the venue to watch the 5 bands before us play. We went on and to my surprise there were still people there watching us. The previous bands gave us much props. It was the most fun I've had in a while. My brother is in town. Word.

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